Wednesday, November 18, 2009


So i recently was in a discussion with a close friend of mine about what it means to be original. The question came up that since everybody is special in their own way... is anybody truly special? Since we were three when we were watching barney or seseme street we all remember being told, " there is no one quite like u." So is everyone is special in their own way...well then everyone is special and therefore no one is. This made me stop and think. In middle school most tweens try the most they can not to stand out. Which is understandable once you think about it. You having wierd things happening to your body, suddenly the opposite sex is actually looking good, and now ur have entered the dmost dreaded teen years. Of course your gonna think u look stupid and dont wanna stand out. So suddenly you no longer want to stand out because you are "special." But want to blend in as mujch as possible so you do not half to concentrate on looking special while at the same time you are trying to master the new crazy things that are happening to your body and mind. Then High school comes and you have now mastered the changing body and are now trying to find yourself. Normally you will join a clique in which you will identify your personality, look, and friends by. Some teens think they are special, while others think that they are nothing and should just try and get through life. So were did the originality go? I honestly do not know, and honestly a little confused. So please give me your viewpoints, or tell me if you are just as confused as i am.